About Us
World Voyage is one of the most positioned Armenian travel agencies with years of experience in the travel industry.
We specialize in custom travel packages in Armenia and abroad but always expand and enhance the range of offers.

What Makes Us Different
All-in-One Service
We take you from consultation about your vacation needs and organize your trip. We make sure you have the answers to all your questions and book your flight and accommodation.
Customer Satisfaction
At World Voyage, the satisfaction of our customers is our priority. So our team takes every step possible you have a smooth flight and stay at any of the destinations you choose.
Exclusive Conditions
Working with many companies we have exclusive contracts signed with different tour agencies, hotels, and airlines. This helps us provide you with a better travel experience.
New Destinations
At World Voyage, we believe that a business should always evolve to stay ahead of the competition. That's why we strive to signing contracts with new partners.
Our Presence
Address: OM, 23rd July St, 130 Muscat, Oman
Email: hayk.e@world-voyage.com
Partner With Us
World Voyage partners with over 500 tour operators, travel agencies, and other entities in Armenia, Europe, and worldwide.
If you want to partner with World Voyage or have some questions, send your questions to us and we will get back to you shortly.